Now I can't leave my baby alone, even when he's asleep.
'Cause this is what happened when I left him alone when he wake up:his hand stick to the baby gym when I tried to move him away
And this is what happened when I left him alone when he sleep:he can lied on his tummy by himself since yesterday, and he did it everytime! (cuuute >0<)
'Cause this is what happened when I left him alone when he wake up:his hand stick to the baby gym when I tried to move him away
And this is what happened when I left him alone when he sleep:he can lied on his tummy by himself since yesterday, and he did it everytime! (cuuute >0<)
makanya dia rewel mbaa
soalnya dia mau bisa tengkureeeppp. hihihi
ih potonya yang lagi tengkurep lucu bangettt *cubit pipi*
Iyah tuh,,difoto sambil diajak ngobrol..dia kalau diajak ngobrol pasti senyum..
anak yang pintar:D
amiiiiinnn ^o^
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