One day in my lonely night without my dear panda watching TV or lying beside me, I felt so alone and cried outloud. Thinking that I don't have anyone to speak everything that I want in this country (except my dear panda), I sent a message to my dear panda, and 2 of my best friend there in dear homecountry (I sent them different message).
The message is like,
Dear bestfriend, Im so lonely now. Today my dear panda is staying out, so Im alone here. Ahh, how I miss my bestfriends, how I miss you both. I have no (real) friend here, except my dear panda.
Hehe, how mellow I was!!(●´ω`●)ゞエヘヘ
Don't need long time to wait for their reply. One of them warn me not to feel negative, since Im pregnant now and suggest me to talk to my baby or watch dorama and told me not to see her picture, coz it only can make me miss her more (hahaha, yes, she is a narcisist!). And the other friend suggest me to go shopping! (hihihi, she is a shopaholic!). Ahh, how I miss I miss a "bestfriend relationship"...(Tへヽ)(/へT) シクシク..
The message is like,
Dear bestfriend, Im so lonely now. Today my dear panda is staying out, so Im alone here. Ahh, how I miss my bestfriends, how I miss you both. I have no (real) friend here, except my dear panda.
Hehe, how mellow I was!!(●´ω`●)ゞエヘヘ
Don't need long time to wait for their reply. One of them warn me not to feel negative, since Im pregnant now and suggest me to talk to my baby or watch dorama and told me not to see her picture, coz it only can make me miss her more (hahaha, yes, she is a narcisist!). And the other friend suggest me to go shopping! (hihihi, she is a shopaholic!). Ahh, how I miss I miss a "bestfriend relationship"...(Tへヽ)(/へT) シクシク..
thank God I have wonderful friends ^o^
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